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Conservation Commission Minutes 08/10/2017



ChichesterConservation Commission 

 DRAFT Minutes of Meeting August 10, 2017

Selectman’sMeeting Room

Members Present:  BobMann (Chair), Blaze Konefal, Marianne DiTaranto, Zack Boyajian, Dawn Marshall,Gordon Jones, Jim Eggers.  

GuestsGail Britton-Kojigian and Charles Kojigian Scott Tepper.

Meet Call to Ordere 7:02 PM

Bob Mann opened the Public Hearing on withdrawal of not toexceed $89,000 from the Conservation Fund to meet costs related to purchase ofan undeveloped parcel of 7.1 acres, located on Main Street, Chichester, Tax Map4, Lot 2, currently owned by Fred Shaw and Deborah Ellis Shaw. 

Thecurrent owners offer sell the property to the Conservation Commission anegotiated price of $85,000 was reached and a purchase and sales agreementsigned.  The Conservation Commissionconsulted the Selectman, who agreed that the purchase would benefit thetown.  Funds would be withdrawn from theConservation fund, which has accumulated over a number of year from deposits of75% of land use change tax.

GordonJones state the property is adjacent to the Madeline Sanborn Conservation Areaand would provide better access for the public and potential forestry.

ScottTepper commented that in the past as part of the planning board they hadencouraged development on existing roads to prevent new roads from beingbuilt.  The property would be taken offthe tax rolls and that he had had interest in purchasing the parcel topotential build a house for him daughter. He also though that when the land behind the fire department waspurchase it would provide access to Marsh Pond.

GordanJones stated access to the pond and Madeline Sanborn Conservation Area frombehind the fire station was difficult due to wetland.  The purchase would help maintain the towns ruralcharacter and protect wildlife habitat.

ScottTepper asked how much conservation land the town owned. 

Bob Mannstated the town owns very little conservation land, primarily the MadelineSanborn Conservation Area.  Most othertown owned property are not protected even though the town owns them, such asthe Shaw Fields, Carpenter Park and Spaulding Town Forest, which the town isworking to place a conservation easement on. Bob also stated that other towns are starting to grow quickly and wewant to be forward thinking and protect some dedicated conservation land.

Gail Britton-Kojigianstated the parcel adds to the beauty of the town and protecting it will makepeople want to move to Chichester.

CharlesKojigian stated it is a nice spot for the town to have.  He wouldn’t want to live there because of thetraffic on Main Street.

DawnMarshall stated the Conservation Commission has wanted this parcel as anaddition to the Madeline Sanborn Conservation Area for many years.

Publichearing closed a 7:25P


Minutes ofJuly 13, 2017 were reviewed.  ZackBoyajian requested that clarification on the Shirley Waters Memorial Fundbalance shown on the minutes. Motion to approve the minutes as amended was madeby MarianneDiTaranto and seconded by Dawn Marshall.  The Minutes wereapproved unanimously.

Minutesof August 4, Special Meeting to walk Shaw-Ellis Property.  Zack Boyajian clarified his data sources forenvironmental site review.  Zack Boyajianmotioned to approve minutes as amended and seconded by Gordon Jones.  The minutes were approved unanimously.

Mail Bag: Statement from SFT regarding Shirley Waters estate was received.

Educationalinformation regarding the Emerald Ash Borer from the Cooperative Extension wasalso received.  Chichester is one of thetowns affected.

ZackBoyajian made a motion to approve withdrawal of up to $89,000 from theconservation fund to pay for the purchase and associated costs for the Shawparcel, Tax Map 4 Lot 2.  Gordon JonesSeconded.  Motion approved unanimously.

Thecommission discussed closing and other associated costs.  Bob Mann had received 2 quotes for the workfrom Liberty Title and Escrow ($450) and Granite State Title ($1250).

BlazeKonefal motioned to approve Liberty Title and Escrow as vendor for title insurance,title search, closing costs and recording fees. Gordon Jones seconded the motions. Motion passed unanimously.

Spaulding Town Forest survey work is complete.  Blaze visited the site and stated the workwas good.  Steve Perron submitted a billfor $4030, well below the $6000 quote. Five Rivers Conservation Trust is working on the Conservation Easement.

TheCommission discussed the use of Certificates of Deposit (CD) to receive betterinterest on the Fund.  Marianne will talkto the town treasurer to get more information. The use of a CD last year was a good investment.  She will also ask the treasurer for aconsolidated accounting of the Shirley Waters Memorial fund

Trail maintenanceworkshop will be rescheduled for the fall. October 14 was suggested as a possible date.  Marianne will ask the workshop leaders aboutthe date.

Other Business:

Jim Eggerssuggested that “Other Business” be brought up earlier in the meeting to allowmore time for new items.  He suggestedthat maintenance of Shaw parcel may require contracting a brush hog.  Other options discussed included use ofvolunteer equipment, grazing goats and burning the fields.

Bobsuggested we reengage Barbara Frangione about a trail from the library to theschool.

Meetingadjourned at 8:55 pm. 
